Post COVID anxiety: What if…

Post COVID anxiety: What if I liked quarantine?

woman with head in hands and chaotic lines drawn coming from her headIt’s been a year since life stopped. We endured a year of complaining about missing our friends and family. Missing our routines, our hobbies, our parties and celebrations, concerts and festivals. It presented a global anxiety and depression problem. We had to adjust and get used to the new norm. Extroverts were shocked into this new life and had to grieve and mourn. Introverts were ecstatic. 

In the beginning, many thought this would be a great way to reconnect with their home life, their children, their pets, home projects that had been ignored for years. SELF CARE became a thing. (Well, unless you have kids… that’s a whole other article. You lost your self care. You were probably trying to find space for it.)

Post COVID life is near. Extroverts are chomping at the bit and introverts might be feeling a little anxiety. People who had social anxiety pre-COVID are now reluctant to have to be social again. It’s another thing we have to adjust to. Let’s do some exploring on what post COVID anxiety is.

Choosing courage over comfort

If you are one of these people who are resisting the world getting back to normal because it’s increasing your anxiety,  don’t worry! It’s normal. It’s totally normal. Just like we had to get used to things shutting down, it will take a little patience, compassion and understanding that we will have to readjust to the world speeding up again. Sure, things are a little different, more remote work, still some caution for health and safety. But, for the most part, buckle up… we are heading into the roaring 20s.

Brene Brown talks about choosing courage over comfort. This is so true when dealing with anxiety. I’ve often said that worry and guilt are wasted emotions unless action is put to them. What this means is sitting in worry does nothing except stress you out. When you catch yourself worrying about going out, socializing, participating in things again… worry does nothing to change it.

So, choose courage over comfort. What this means is don’t sit “comfortably” in your worry. Be courageous and take a step into discomfort and growth.

Couple holding hands and looking at each otherThis feels like that first time you step into a gym to get into shape. Everything is overwhelming and you feel like you’ll never look like those beefy guys and girls by the mirror. Well, instead of worrying about that… step into action. Pick up a small weight. Start small and slowly start increasing your weight as you keep going. Be consistent. Worrying about the end result doesn’t help you get there… taking one small step into courage and discomfort will.

So what does this mean in post-COVID anxiety? Are you afraid of the social commitments you left in March 2020 coming back when you’re not ready? Then take them in small steps. Say yes to one small social commitment. Learn to say no to others until your strength and endurance improves.

How to step into post COVID anxiety with confidence



You don’t respond to texts or calls. 

Overpromising commitments.

Numbing out with TV, videogames, or work.


People pleasing.


Respond to at least one text/call each day. Increase weekly.

Learn to say no and listen to your needs.

Do something that improves your energy so you have energy for yourself and others.

Step into action and growth.

Learn what you need and set boundaries.

Anxiety is healthy for you!

Watch the video below on how anxiety is actually helpful! When you understand the biology of your brain when you are in anxiety, it helps you feel more comfortable with it. With the world post-COVID changing… anxiety is a normal response to change. It helps us step into action. It’s when we sit in comfort that we get dysfunctional anxiety.

If you are in need of anxiety treatment, reach out to Michelle Taylor, LPCC. She is a Gottman, attachment, and trust therapist in California.

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